Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ladies Housecoats With Zipper

(Open letter to the Mayor - June 3, 2008) Good results, but if

For some time we decided to change our strategy of action in pursuing the goals that led us to form our Centre for Urban Pattern of Catanzaro. We had no more walked the path of the alert in the press - which is also needed to let us know by nationality - giving priority in its place, that of direct communication to the offices and the institutions responsible for the removal of the various situations of degradation that we see us themselves or reported to us by the citizens. We thought that this new course would be perceived and appreciated by our partners in the right way, in a framework of open collaboration, moreover, has always been the spirit which has animated. But the miracle did not happen and our letters were left with no result (unless quickly resolved by the Mayor on access to the town hall). At this point, before deciding, against our will, to retrace a path that we knowingly abandoned and that we would not be forced to take it again, we decided to again ask the media hospitality to make an appeal.
Dear Mr Olive, we believe that the proper administration of a mayor should be assessed in its entirety and, believe it, next to the delicate and important actions that your administration has done in favor of the City, solution leading to "practice" long-standing and bogged down, we note, unfortunately, a lack of interest in the theme of urban decor.
sure you are aware that other Italian cities have long since dealt with this sensitive issue and have established the appropriate Departments and Offices (the latter, in some cases, within the Cabinet of the Mayor), providing them with manpower, resources and economic resources. There are municipalities that have realized that is not enough to pave a street, illuminate a square or redo the facades of buildings to silence the conscience of prudent administration, in these municipalities has given due weight and the necessary priority to other values \u200b\u200band other feeling that more and more assets are citizens wishing to live in a harmonious environment friendly, clean, healthy, beautiful and with an obvious respect for the rules of proper decency. A Catanzaro
these adjectives are not examples of hospitality and management and environmental degradation are visible in every corner of the City: The weeds are the masters in every street and every green space, the abusive posters are not removed for years, the written Catanzaro on the walls have turned into a single scribble, the separate collection of waste left to be desired, parking savages are tolerated if not approved, the traffic regulation orders are disregarded, so that some restrictions of access and transit is as if there were, road pavements are uneven and e Lenco could continue.
Dear Mr. Mayor, we believe it is high time that you become aware that the city driving is facing a serious state of emergency, as determined for the respective powers, municipal administrators and managers, as well as citizens and to years have been found guilty of inertia, inefficiency, improvisation, malpractice and disaffection if not of deliberate actions offensive and contrary to the growth of the regional capital. And 'She came forward to addressing the serious situation with all the urgency it requires, the City can not wait any longer and the instances citizens who love and believe in his final take-off can not be disregarded and further undermined.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Things That Can Be Seen In Blood

City establishing its own office ...

In these first months of activity we have repeatedly pointed out situations of degradation, and not only the newspapers who graciously hosted our records, the inner conviction that reversing the relationship, unfortunately not, existing in Town between environmental degradation and decorum in favor of greater attention to the cleanliness of streets and walls, to the increase in the area of \u200b\u200bpublic green cured, to the rebirth of a sense of aesthetics and, more broadly, to a strict compliance with the rules of civil life, our Catanzaro can actually become that friendly city that everyone desires.
We are conscious of ourselves only as a means to propose and goad to the institutions that, instead, they should have the power and duty (the conditional is a must view the situation) to apply the laws and regulations and to punish and punish offenders, and in this context we noted that our work is beginning to bear fruits as expected start coming to our mail alerts to citizens who show us their complaints and ask us to intervene. Clearly the system we have put in place begins to work and we are increasingly convinced that if the City establishing its own office decor, with far more features and tools of our teeth, the results could certainly be better.
For us it is not yet time to take stock and we have no intention of lowering our guard, however, we like to think that some examples of environmental pattern found in cities today and are emblematic avvalorino theory, which we strongly believe, under which the degradation is fought and defeated only with the continued brutal repression, with careful monitoring and initiatives with "educational" seeking recovery of civic and discourage the "inattentive" and vandals. We like to believe that the two sides of the pristine and beautiful St. John and the Institute Industrial Engineer have somehow scared the graffiti and abusive attack and even the perpetrators of the wild display of campaign posters, on which the ugly faces of unscrupulous and arrogant political candidates still winking at each wall of our city, in a sort of implicit self termination of their indifference to Catanzaro and Catanzaro.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Buy Myammee's Hair Line

A battle won: Start deaffissione posters abusive

Today is a moment of particular joy for a struggle from the observatory of decorum we learn with pleasure that began in care Aimeri on behalf of the common avenue de Filippis and via the deaffissione acres of posters in improperly.
The choice of making the most beautiful and presentable city \u200b\u200bcan not find that agreed, taking advantage of an event like the Tour of Italy is useful but we hope this to become our directors, as in every city that you define this, the everyday.
We would also like to know who had followed the 20 minutes that our fighters have told us to have high for those who have posted their campaign posters outside the space allocated, we hope you take advantage of the moment to capture the places subject to deaffissione continue action on penalties for those candidates who have used the final hours to deface the city.
Recall that the observatory is available for each report the city, on the decoration of the city, just contact us through our e-mail or by fax number osservatoriodecorocz@gmail.com 1786022706

Monday, April 21, 2008

Analyze Motorcycle Tyre Dimensions

The Terrace of St. John? Parking, a garage ...

That the terrace of St. John is one of the certainly the most charming places of the city is known. Especially in these early spring days is very pleasant, wind permitting, relax and enjoy the wonderful view with the same offers, ranging from the sea and the mountains, from the dome of the cathedral to the roofs of the old town. Sure, Catanzaro not appreciate it as it deserves, since there are many who will never go there, with some boy who enjoys often imbrattarn and walls or benches. Someone else uses it instead as a parking lot, or even as storage, since often you stop a camper. In the attached two photos taken Saturday night, we ask people to clarify the responsibility of owners of cars and camper himself, and the basis on which these means are not present on the terrace. Certainly no one will have granted a permit, so we hope that this "anomaly" to be removed as soon as possible, because it's always a shame to see how you do not appreciate the finer things in town, and how superficial are sometimes handled.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2.0a Age Of Empires No Cd

posting campaign posters ABUSE

the usual! In any election some people believe that the walls of the city can become the ideal support for all those putting up campaign posters who, evidently, with uncontrolled instincts of vanity and innate tendency to abuse, the various candidates and print are printed in quantities greatly exceeds that required to comply with the proper display spaces specially designed by the local administration. These gentlemen
policy Catanzaro offend with their contemptuous behavior, so that we Observatory on Urban Decor in the Town of Catanzaro we ask with what courage dare to ask for their votes to those same citizens which disfigure the city, assimilation, and occasionally even causing more damage, to the much reviled graffiti that, unfortunately, in the Town of Three Hills raging for years without any authority has ever put in place any appropriate enforcement action.
Since the main goal which we strive is to restore the proper decorum to our city, before asking for hospitality to the press to report this serious malpractice, we called in some of the political secretariat (including candidates prominent citizens) to solicit defissione posters abusive but, unfortunately, beyond the promises of convenience (you know, during the election campaign some politicians used the tactic of not upset anyone), the posters are all still in bad shows to deface the walls of the city.The Finance Act 2007, we hope that the municipality and the municipal police have informed it, has made a number of changes to the legislation on illegal billboards and today there are more effective rules to combat a form of incivility that causes so much damage to the decoration of the Town: it was reintroduced to the rule considers the responsibility of the buyer and not the perpetrator of the abuse and was determined that those who break the law in addition to paying the incredibly high fines amounting to several thousand, you will have to also address the costs of the Centre defissione.Noi Decoration on the urban area of \u200b\u200bCatanzaro we have photographed all of the abusive posters (which are visible to all citizens) and these images - which deliberately omit giving the press to avoid political exploitation - are available because the local police to take the necessary legislative measures. It 'clear that if the Municipal Police Force does not intend to use our pictures, you must do so themselves in order to avoid a failure that would cause damage to our city four times: in fact, descended from the disfigurement of the image town, they add up the damage resulting from the costs that the City Council should support the tearing posters, the further loss of income arising from the sanctions are not applied for, and all three of the more general one that would see the City powerless (or negligent) in front of a phenomenon of incivility that the Legislature has considered itself no longer bearable.
We hope that the City Council and the Municipal Police Force did not choose to pretend not to see, because this Centre has every intention to not give up on any issue that concerns the safeguarding of the dignity of our city.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Can Gaviscon Help Ibs

Our review of the maritime district of Piazza Garibaldi

E 'for some time that jobs that are being executed in the Piazza Garibaldi's maritime district are subject to extensive and varied political and social analysis as well as architectural. The Observatory for the urban quality of Catanzaro could not avoid expressing his opinion on this matter that, as she was born, the evolution that took part in the debate and that is recording, is considered as an emblematic case is symptomatic of the types and methods of intervention that is being carried out for years in our city.
There is no doubt, and now it is testified by the many negative opinions expressed by professionals in the field, politicians who sit on city council, associations in the area and many individuals, that what is being built in that square is done against the will of citizens Catanzaro. And mind you, the story of the maritime district is nothing if not one of the links in a chain that has made the city and forced to accept works that have been of real injuries inflicted to its history and its residual value and uniqueness Urban: our thoughts go to the "Scala" Piazza Matteotti, the "Fountain of the Artichoke" in Piazza Duomo, the "Bidet" Piazzetta Cefaly, the lift of Bellavista, the miserable backyard fountain in Piazza Garibaldi in the historic center, street furniture from the metro station located on the Course Mazzini, and the many other disfigurements, passed off for redevelopment.
Residents of Marina di Catanzaro not think of being neglected, as some would have us believe their anachronistic and self-injurious movements to foment divisions, because the whole city has been and is still affected by such interventions, and more, to blame of havoc is not due to the current city administration, at least not only to this, because the summary list drawn up a few lines more reminds us of the names of so many other mayors of the past policy of many colors.
So, if politicians pass and the time of their passage is marked by the continuity of disfigurement, we think that the blame for all the evil done in Catanzaro, or at least most, should be sought in other directions.
The call that we can run, we who have chosen to combat the deterioration in facing our city, is to stop, at least this time, the construction of this absurd "Tower of Babel" that carries all the negativity of that biblical building, the daughter of the pride of mankind, and can only create disorder and confusion.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thank You For Coming To My Party

To start with ... here is the first report

Here is the letter, registered c / o the town, sent to the Mayor as the first act of Catanzaro Centre for the decoration of the city of Catanzaro. In these early days we have already received numerous reports that will be forwarded to the competent institutions and bodies. To facilitate contacts with citizens have asked the Italian Post Catanzaro activation of a PO Box number which will be announced soon disponibile.Vi note that you can use 'e-mail osservatoriodecorocz@gmail.com .


Egr. Mr.

MAYOR of the City of


Subject: Access to the Palace Municipal

As you will certainly have learned from the local press in recent days has been set up an observatory for the decoration of the city of Catanzaro, promoted by a number of cultural associations in the city, which also joined the private citizens of various professions.
Purpose Centre is to upgrade the overall image of our beloved city that appears to have been abandoned to itself in a social regression, functional and aesthetic for this purpose will be achieved through reports and proposals to the competent institutions and bodies, of situations of degradation found in the municipal area, and monitoring the process at the various responsible for procedures to prevent and resolve failures and omissions.
The spirit that animates the members of the Centre is the most active cooperation with the parties required to remove degrading situations.
the above, the first "act" Journal of the newborn Centre is aimed at protecting the image of the Municipal House which is the symbol of the city.
will not have escaped your attention to the fact that access in the lobby of City Hall are often parked one car and several motorcycles belonging to the municipality that, in addition to offering a decadent and disturbing representation of the use of space designated for the reception and that is the link with the outside world, in fact it makes it difficult to switch to all the people passing through and prevents access to those with disabilities. The above situation represented
worsens even more and takes the form of abuse when, in the rare cases where the car parked in the lobby is not municipal, parking is allowed on the same to other cars (the photo is attached days was taken 03/27/2008).
We are confident that your ability to realize administrator, joined to the sensibilities of the city of Catanzaro, they will not suggest removing the unfortunate situation of deterioration, restoring dignity and decoration of the building that houses the city administration.
Catanzaro, March 29, 2008
Centre for Pattern Catanzaro

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Write Humorous Wedding Card


As announced during the conference entitled "Degradation, mirror of a city?" Last February, it announced to the press that has been officially established the observatory on urban quality in the city of Catanzaro. The same is intended to fill a gap in our ancestral town: the absence of an office and even a delegation to the decor. As in all reality, These offices are responsible to collect complaints, reports and more that can serve the citizen to interact with the local administration and then fix minor and major problems, which are often underestimated and neglected. Our own city, turns out to be, therefore, highly degraded. Graffiti, posters everywhere, illegal signage, sidewalks and roads, inadequate lighting, waste containers placed in unsuitable places, and many other problems that contribute, together, to offer an image of our city, unfortunately, highly negative.
It must be stressed that this initiative primarily wants to be a stimulus to the municipal gives itself the means even mentioned. And 'just for this purpose that the observatory hopes to be short-lived take the place of their competences that should be common and therefore become tools to support municipal technicians in a spirit of constructive cooperation for the good of the city'.
All reports will be forwarded officially to the bodies and their outcome will be carefully tracked and monitored, not excluding, in the event of default, which will be allowed to use any other appropriate action including legal action.
The observatory consists of various cultural associations, "each Petrusinu Soup," "Cara Catanzaro", "County of or morzeddhu catanzarisa "," UsCatanzaro.net "are some of them, and private citizens who have offered their cooperation.
are therefore encouraged all citizens to report situations of degradation writing to the following email address: osservatoriodecorocz@gmail.com . It 'also a blog at the following address: http://osservatoriodecorocz.blogspot.com/

Friday, March 7, 2008

Campertruck Conversions

Observatory on Pattern Made of Catanzaro

It is now the Centre on the decor that will highlight the relevant authorities the trouble reported by citizens concerning the propriety urban. reports will be To activate the fax 0961.881217
will also activated a specific mailbox from which to provide.