Thursday, May 15, 2008

Things That Can Be Seen In Blood

City establishing its own office ...

In these first months of activity we have repeatedly pointed out situations of degradation, and not only the newspapers who graciously hosted our records, the inner conviction that reversing the relationship, unfortunately not, existing in Town between environmental degradation and decorum in favor of greater attention to the cleanliness of streets and walls, to the increase in the area of \u200b\u200bpublic green cured, to the rebirth of a sense of aesthetics and, more broadly, to a strict compliance with the rules of civil life, our Catanzaro can actually become that friendly city that everyone desires.
We are conscious of ourselves only as a means to propose and goad to the institutions that, instead, they should have the power and duty (the conditional is a must view the situation) to apply the laws and regulations and to punish and punish offenders, and in this context we noted that our work is beginning to bear fruits as expected start coming to our mail alerts to citizens who show us their complaints and ask us to intervene. Clearly the system we have put in place begins to work and we are increasingly convinced that if the City establishing its own office decor, with far more features and tools of our teeth, the results could certainly be better.
For us it is not yet time to take stock and we have no intention of lowering our guard, however, we like to think that some examples of environmental pattern found in cities today and are emblematic avvalorino theory, which we strongly believe, under which the degradation is fought and defeated only with the continued brutal repression, with careful monitoring and initiatives with "educational" seeking recovery of civic and discourage the "inattentive" and vandals. We like to believe that the two sides of the pristine and beautiful St. John and the Institute Industrial Engineer have somehow scared the graffiti and abusive attack and even the perpetrators of the wild display of campaign posters, on which the ugly faces of unscrupulous and arrogant political candidates still winking at each wall of our city, in a sort of implicit self termination of their indifference to Catanzaro and Catanzaro.


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