Friday, December 31, 2010

Prise En Main De Tajima Dg/ml Bye Pulse


Dear friends and dear friends,

Use this space to jot down a few thoughts on this year that just ended . Reflections on policy and especially on the City. Politics is no coincidence that I wrote with the capital "P": for me I think I could afford to write that word with a capital letter. I chose when I was 17 years of occupation of this art so noble and sometimes polluted. The policy, this should be stated, is not dirty in itself. Someone who does it is dirty and therefore infects the polluter. We must not, however, to generalize. We must return to a dimension of peace and political debate, a debate that often becomes personal. I refer to those in politics to be thinking in the staff of Novella 2000 or who does it only for a narrow self-interest. I mean who does it for money and not for passion, to those who only makes for a distinctive and not for the sake of their people and their land.
Over a year ago, in Vasto, I decided to create a group of young people, "Youth in Action", which could encompass all the boys and girls Vasto who identify with the values \u200b\u200bof the center. Gambling, of the Right. We started as a joke, until then we started to edit the namesake newspaper printed in 2 thousand copies and implement important initiatives and have always been successful. I cite for example the 'Market of Used Textbook', a real social initiative, the conference on sinkholes has become a "tradition cultural "and the presentation of the book on the history of youth movements of the right but also many other protest actions and proposals about things that go into town for young Vasto and things to do. We receive daily e-mail and certificates of trust, and even criticism. The latter, if constructive, we try to pick them up. Otherwise, we are forced to reject the sender. In short, more than a year of intense political activity that has borne fruit. Many boys and girls have joined and are joining a project that has as its primary objective the desire to attract young people to politics. To sound policy, the policy ideas to the policy that wants to be around people. Policy made meetings, discussions, arguments, sacrifices. Without ideals that we do not feel dead and gone. We want, we must encourage young people to clean Politics, loyal, honest. At that policy which starts from the bottom, from the 'attacchinaggio "posters, leaflets from, from menial jobs but to help grow, helping to create a human community, first of all, that help make the group and share a dream .
for young people, sometimes, is not a distrust of politics. The distrust, too often, it's an excuse. Before he had no confidence in anything you need to go, live it. Here, I wish to address the invitation, we want to address, for as my, our invitation to submit, is to engage in politics. Why or you or you suffer. So who is honest, hard-working, in love with his people and his country, must work to improve them. Forget the games of power and building, the people who get tired. We see it at the national level but also at local level.
On this last point I want to focus on. Almost five years of center-left administration did not produce any positive result for our city. Government reshuffle, arguing, rebounds accountability, lists, lists, plots, teasing, and divisions of power chairs and anything else, have given a bad example. And bad results: a city firm, which is not growing, which offers very little at all. Well, this is not politics, this is not administered. That's not how you handle it public and that is not how policy is made. You do not even manage a building under these conditions. Here, then, the call that this new year will be a fixed point from which to start. At least locally. To build a new ruling class, to revive the fortunes of a city, a young and do not fall in love with this noble art, which is the policy.
to you all, more than a few comments I've made so far and I hope it has not bored, I leave my warmest wishes for a wonderful 2011.

Marco Michele Marisi

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Instructions Cookworks Signature Breadmaker

Some 'healthy Christmas revisionism.

Mary was a wonderful fourteen of Galilee, given in marriage in the prime of his youth in Joseph, a carpenter aged in his forties now. Also, because of the large age difference between the two, the rampant teenager he attended a handsome young man with bushy hair who prayed in the same temple.

At the beginning it was only a beautiful friendship, but when Joseph confessed to his wife to be sterile and impotent, the relationship between Mary and marpione the temple became gradually more morbid: the hugs and caresses soon made room for dangerous intersections of languages. And so it was a spring afternoon - while the good out of Nazareth Joseph was nailing shelves - the young girl gave him good-bye to her virginity, ending up upside down with his fiery lover.

Misfortune willed that the faithless became pregnant the first time, while continuing to profess spotless to avoid being stoned. Until at one point was no longer possible to hide the pregnancy: hounded by her husband, Mary was declared innocent and blamed the feared and notorious holy spirit. Joseph reacted kicked, but at a later time - not aware of can easily find another minor willing to marry him - he decided to forgive her.

When the baby was born in Nazareth not talked of nothing else: at work and on the streets of the country, took your ass and giggle became intolerable for the poor carpenter, who found solace in the tunnel entering opium. After a while, Joseph was arrested for drug dealing drug and circumvention of lesser charges for which he was forced to tracorrere the rest of his life in prison.

Mary, now left alone with a baby to care for, she was forced to join the racket prostitution to make ends meet. He agreed later to surrender the rights of its history at a publishing house, which produced a wildly successful book focuses on the vicissitudes of his son, called Jesus, a misfit who believed he was the son of a god and that it intended to save the world from evil, coming for this internship in a mental hospital and then crucified thirties.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dimensions Of A Shot Put Circle


Does Bonjela Work On Absis

Naples, the HMO against the deterioration of prison Poggioreale

Naples December 27, 2010, "Poggioreale: Stop the degradation! Without decent TY no justice. ". To say the militants are HMO and former prisoners Naples this morning marched in procession around the prison to protest against the degradation faced by the home district of Naples. "The prison Poggioreale is one of the busiest in Europe in which cells of just 10 square meters more than ten inmates are held in defiance of all human rights - says the spokesman HMO - the structure now houses more than 2,700 prison inmates and congested for years without the institutions have never sought to intervene appropriately to move the detainees to other appropriate facilities but never made it viable, making it difficult for the organization of the prison and the daily meetings between detainees and their family, left for hours in the sun or the rain outside the prison like cattle to the slaughterhouse. " One of the biggest problems, said the spokesperson for the EX-DON, is the total lack of social and professional reintegration projects for prisoners after the end of the sentence, in violation one of the basic vision of the modern prison, a place of punishment but especially rehabilitation of the prisoner, all now in jail Poggioreale is a mirage, whose organization is compounded by lack of qualified personnel. We therefore call for an immediate meeting with the warden and the institutions responsible for solving the problems facing the prison Naples for decades.

Bob Marley Weed Leaf Theme


"We worry that thousands of young Vasto not acceded to his plan!"

WIDE. "I do not understand why the Deputy Mayor for Youth Policy of the City of Vasto is concerned that I would not be writing to the Consulta municipal youth. I considered it so important? And considering that I've considered 'unfamiliarity with the youth policy', because it takes so long for me to join his project? Rather he should meditate Vasto why thousands of young people have joined! Evidently there is something wrong. "It 's replica of the dry Manager Youth In Motion, Marco di Michele Marisi to allegations by the Directorate of Youth Policy of the Executive Lapenna. "The facts speak - said Michele Maris - the elections for President and other bodies consulted, there were only fifteen people."

Youth In Motion - Vasto

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Student Initiation Games


Di Michele Maris: "Elections of the President with four cats. Failed project "

WIDE. "The epilogue Consult the local youth came to the climax, or that the election of the President. Only fifteen people were found last Thursday, having to vote in what should be thousands of young Vasto. A fool of those memorable for Youth Politics and Youth Project of Vasto. "A comment hard to Marco Michele Maris, Manager of Youth in Action, an association that groups all the youth of the center-Vasto, about the Look youth of the City of Vasto. "More than a year to draft the statute only nine months of waiting for the election of the President, as if you were preparing a revolution and then - Said Marco di Michele Maris - were found in fifteen cats, with all due respect for the animals, the most important moment of the election or the bodies of the Consulta municipal youth. This shows that the project, if you can call it, of the "youth policy of the Administration of the Centre was not extended to anyone, did not affect anyone, it was not able to catalyze the young and has no hope of Vasto and no future. Obviously - he annotated - bodies involved have not been able to promote local youth entering Look in schools and making the guys fall in love with a plan that affects their the younger generation, of course, the management of this opportunity was ill-conceived and therefore did not affect boys and girls Vasto. A virtual cabin - he annotated Michele Maris - to give visibility to someone without any purpose for young Vasto. "

Youth In Motion - Vasto

Friday, December 24, 2010

Streaming From Uverse Dvr


WIDE. Still waste Sant'Onofrio. Everything. From mattresses to sheets of asbestos, through scrap metal, garbage bags and televisions. You throw it all there, indiscriminately, on the pavement of the road leading to the top of Sant 'Onofrio. Would you like any citizen who transgresses the rules, even want the difficulty of disposing of certain materials, the sidewalk Sant'Onofrio becomes an ideal place to store any type of waste. The traffic at night is not enough, the lighting is poor, the controls do not exist here and that creates the ideal situation to do what you want. And mice and animals looking for food and destroy the garbage bags spilling waste everywhere. Naples? No, Vasto.

Marco Michele Marisi

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mucus Days Before Period

And so we have this year ..

Every year the arrival of the holidays is getting worse ..
But think about it, basically it is to pass only a few days.
Merry Christmas to all!

Starla And The Jewel Rangers


WIDE. Deep holes and tracks, water supply after a few repairs, never surfaced. It happens in Via Del Giglio in Vasto. To repair it proceeded to dig up the asphalt and then, once completed, the ditches were only covered with earth and rubble and never surfaced. So, Via Del Giglio resembles more a moonscape than a thoroughfare, with great danger to cars and especially motorcycles. In a special way at night and after the rains, the holes become less visible and therefore becomes tricky pass on that road. Steps be taken to remedy as soon as possible.

Marco Michele Marisi

Monday, December 20, 2010

Messenger For Mac Change Name


Here come the holiday season. Gifts, Christmas trees, lights stuffs himself with anti, card games and fun. But let us not lose sight of the Christian meaning of Christmas. With the birth of Jesus, December 25, God is not far away, but it turns and enters the world to stay until the end of time. We try to live this party even religious viewpoint and in a somewhat 'more sober to appreciate the Christian values.
To all of you readers of this site, I hope, therefore, a Christmas! A hug

Marco Michele Marisi

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Smoke One Per Day Is It Bad For Health

1 - 0

WIDE. Gave him 1 to 0. Who? The snow in the City. Using a football expression. Bad weather and snow and the city goes haywire. E 'success in recent days in Vasto when, despite well-planned in advance, the snow has' ko' the City of Broad who has not even been able to cope with this emergency. A bit 'of salt, but few resources are ready to remove the snow before it became ice. And there was the chaos. Cars off the road, slip on the sidewalks and a statement from the mayor declined to comment, "Who can not get out." Not dwell on this sentence, let's move on. A snowfall perhaps remarkable for a city that sees as a vast white dusted once a year, but not so difficult to manage. But icy sidewalks and roads as well. Some willing worker with shovel and hoe and some voluntary associations, but totally inadequate to handle the situation throughout the city. Complaints from the suburbs the city's forgotten completely. As if there was no snow fall. Some downtown street cleaner in half and the rest zero. As the result which raised the municipal administration for the management of this snow emergency. Useless, now, groped to defend themselves reciting details of the means used and the salt thrown. The reality was there for everyone. And someone has seen it very closely ...

Marco Michele Marisi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Thing Or Flatulence Gaviscon


WIDE. Via Alessandrini in Vasto. A yard of a building firm for several months and degradation "crazy". Stray dogs and cats, faeces, rats, pigeons and nests at night sometimes addict. Then you put those who place food scraps to animals and that's what that patch of Via Alessandrini becomes a haven for all animals. In defiance of all the health standards. Shipyard unprotected and accessible to all. Just this description of the area in front of a supermarket and one of the most densely populated of Vasto to ensure that competent authorities take action? The local residents complain and call for urgent action.

Marco Michele Marisi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Gold Gameshark Gpsphone

December 8

S. MARIA CV - This year is approaching the Dec. 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception, which traditionally marks the beginning of Christmas preparations: all Italian cities are dressed in their Sunday best, are lit Christmas trees in the streets and begin the typical markets of this period, the most characteristic of which is surely one of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples despite all the difficulties that plague the capital waste emergency in Campania. In times of crisis too many people having to tighten their belts and forced to stay home in anticipation of the gifts and much longer bridge Christmas. Incentives to start next week also not cold and foul weather that day by insisting on the Italian peninsula and threatened to ruin even the last few days of vacation. A further then difficulty arises from the fact that this year happens on Wednesday, December 8, in the middle of the week, so without the possibility of a true bridge for those who work and especially for students. For this reason most of those who have decided to move out of town will move mostly during the day and short distance. Among young people has been very successful Showcolate the Chocolate Fair, held in Naples at the Mostra d'Oltremare, as evidenced by Mario (19 years): "Unfortunately, Monday and Tuesday, there are university courses, so I separate my deck Two: I'll be Sunday and Wednesday in Naples once surely proud of the chocolate. " Same solution Luigi (19 years) and Gennaro (20 years): "On Sunday we will visit the Naples underground", while on Wednesday we're still deciding, maybe a city of art ". Mariangela also go out (17 years), who says: "On 8 I'll be hosted by my brother who lived and studied in Rome and will take advantage to go to the Van Gogh exhibition at the Vittoriano. In many but will be forced to stay home to study as Vincent (17 years), Federica (20 years) and Gianluca (21 years). Those who among young people unable to move can be arranged to enjoy the same without leaving the city. This is the case of Mary (20 years), Nicola R. (21 years) and Nicola DM (21 years): "On Wednesday night we meet at the home of one of us, along with many other friends, for the now almost customary and traditional" night "we will do the dawn of pizzas, cakes, movies and games cards, a taste of what we expect during the holiday season. "

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lump Next To Broken Tooth


S. MARIA CV - Fixed the problem of stagnant water in the central reservation of the Council of Europe Avenue: City workers have managed to break the asphalt to their internal to drain the rain. For months, the ducts for the circulation of vehicles were in a state of complete abandonment. The median, the new functional level of C1 North district, despite protests from traders and vibrant local residents, were built in masonry. The owners of the business, in fact, complain of a decline in sales, according to their point of view caused by one-way streets, which would have diminished the transit of vehicles, local residents however, get over the hardships required by the senses and force a detours are particularly concerned by the passage of heavy vehicles entering and exiting the highway, which, in so doing, has been diverted in an area meant to be residential.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Archivio Film Mario Salieri In Streaming


via Merano

fallen away in Nasiriyah
via Fardella
S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - With the worsening weather of recent weeks are worse in the pace of the conditions of the road network Sammaritani. The track of almost all of the roads are damaged in many points with serious threats to road safety. To avoid the hole deeper and not ruin the suspension motorists are forced to slow down or violently invade the opposite lane. Same situation with regard to the bikers, who also run the risk of losing control of the vehicle and ended up on the pavement. The situation is represented by emblematic via Merano, in the district of St. Andrew: After a first half stretch in which the asphalt road has been replaced by mud and holes, just before reaching the junction with the road via Gagliardi has been stopped in both directions with a metal mesh because the road was dangerously sold, giving way to an abyss. Among the most damaged streets of Santa Maria is undoubtedly via Galatina, a major artery for traffic and not, where you can count eight holes in about nine hundred meters from the intersection with Avenue up to the Council of Europe Piazza San Francesco. In many points, however, the most dangerous situations have been reported: the case for example of the way in which the Saracens, just before reaching the rail crossing, towards the center, a sign of danger was on the left side before a period where asphalt has been very little. In other roads to warn motorists have been used mobile signal: on a square lines and Padre Pio have been incorporated directly into the pits, in Santella report a sunken manhole, in Martyrs of Hungary forewarn the stretch where the fund is crumbling, even while being Albana five were stacked in a same point. The most original way to signal a real gap in the middle of the road has been devised by way of Nasiriyah Fallen: In addition to the usual warning, the huge hole were placed in two plastic boxes, such as those for fruit, and within a such an old personal computer. The critical situation in the entire city, from street to street Fardella Togliatti, Via Via Martiri Avezzana of Dissent and the rains that fill the hole becomes even more difficult to identify the most dangerous places to be avoided.