Friday, December 31, 2010

Prise En Main De Tajima Dg/ml Bye Pulse


Dear friends and dear friends,

Use this space to jot down a few thoughts on this year that just ended . Reflections on policy and especially on the City. Politics is no coincidence that I wrote with the capital "P": for me I think I could afford to write that word with a capital letter. I chose when I was 17 years of occupation of this art so noble and sometimes polluted. The policy, this should be stated, is not dirty in itself. Someone who does it is dirty and therefore infects the polluter. We must not, however, to generalize. We must return to a dimension of peace and political debate, a debate that often becomes personal. I refer to those in politics to be thinking in the staff of Novella 2000 or who does it only for a narrow self-interest. I mean who does it for money and not for passion, to those who only makes for a distinctive and not for the sake of their people and their land.
Over a year ago, in Vasto, I decided to create a group of young people, "Youth in Action", which could encompass all the boys and girls Vasto who identify with the values \u200b\u200bof the center. Gambling, of the Right. We started as a joke, until then we started to edit the namesake newspaper printed in 2 thousand copies and implement important initiatives and have always been successful. I cite for example the 'Market of Used Textbook', a real social initiative, the conference on sinkholes has become a "tradition cultural "and the presentation of the book on the history of youth movements of the right but also many other protest actions and proposals about things that go into town for young Vasto and things to do. We receive daily e-mail and certificates of trust, and even criticism. The latter, if constructive, we try to pick them up. Otherwise, we are forced to reject the sender. In short, more than a year of intense political activity that has borne fruit. Many boys and girls have joined and are joining a project that has as its primary objective the desire to attract young people to politics. To sound policy, the policy ideas to the policy that wants to be around people. Policy made meetings, discussions, arguments, sacrifices. Without ideals that we do not feel dead and gone. We want, we must encourage young people to clean Politics, loyal, honest. At that policy which starts from the bottom, from the 'attacchinaggio "posters, leaflets from, from menial jobs but to help grow, helping to create a human community, first of all, that help make the group and share a dream .
for young people, sometimes, is not a distrust of politics. The distrust, too often, it's an excuse. Before he had no confidence in anything you need to go, live it. Here, I wish to address the invitation, we want to address, for as my, our invitation to submit, is to engage in politics. Why or you or you suffer. So who is honest, hard-working, in love with his people and his country, must work to improve them. Forget the games of power and building, the people who get tired. We see it at the national level but also at local level.
On this last point I want to focus on. Almost five years of center-left administration did not produce any positive result for our city. Government reshuffle, arguing, rebounds accountability, lists, lists, plots, teasing, and divisions of power chairs and anything else, have given a bad example. And bad results: a city firm, which is not growing, which offers very little at all. Well, this is not politics, this is not administered. That's not how you handle it public and that is not how policy is made. You do not even manage a building under these conditions. Here, then, the call that this new year will be a fixed point from which to start. At least locally. To build a new ruling class, to revive the fortunes of a city, a young and do not fall in love with this noble art, which is the policy.
to you all, more than a few comments I've made so far and I hope it has not bored, I leave my warmest wishes for a wonderful 2011.

Marco Michele Marisi


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