Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does The 3rd Cancer Jab Hurt


born also the website of 'Youth in Action'

WIDE. E 'which is available at bars, newsagents, pubs, pizzerias and ice cream parlors, and even in these days out of school, the seventeenth edition of' Youth in Action ', 2 thousand copies printed in the magazine, the youth of the center-Vasto. In an opening article by the Director of Writing, Marco Michele Maris, entitled "Youth policies is not only a trip to the country" with a discussion on the role of the Councillor Youth Policies. Then an editorial on the riots in Rome of the protesters against the university reform, and an article on the issue of Consult local youth raised in recent days from 'Youth in Action'. Also in the news, the announcement of the birth of the website of the association,
On the second page an article entitled "Diomedes you think about it, with the reflections of a young Vasto, a piece on the project of the Ministry of Youth Giorgia Meloni, "Right to the future", another reflection of a boy of Vasto and the heading "Lu vocc'apèrt.
"What should be noted - said Marco di Michele Marisi - Is that 'Youth in Action', given the commitment of all the boys and girls who have joined the project and given the positive feedback, also landed on the web. On paper, therefore, joins a space online updated constantly. Editorials, reviews, culture, politics, videos, interviews, cartoons, student services and more are contained in the new website of our newspaper and our membership. An important step - said Michele Maris - after the many certificates of trust and the need, therefore, to be within reach of everyone, everywhere. The editors of the paper, therefore, will also be on the internet and provide food for thought for young people who can Vasto also report service problems, things that do not, or simply comment on articles that will enrich the site weekly. 'Youth in Action', then - said the manager - it is confirmed the only space for youth, the only strong voice of young people who do not want Vasto stand by and watch but want to participate actively in the political and social life to give a Vasto Young contribution, growth and development in our city. "

Youth In Motion - Vasto


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