Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Breast Are Tender Meaning For Tender


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - After many difficulties resume work on the expansion and renovation of the premises of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, in Achille Grandi. For several days Work is ongoing, with the developer and the workers engaged tirelessly to try to catch up to date. During the holiday season just passed, the faithful were forced to live from one Christmas many hardships: the solemn celebrations were moved to the parish hall in via Fardella, with considerable difficulties mainly related to space. Initially the delivery of the new church was scheduled for last December 25, but then a series of unexpected events have blocked the work. As recalled by the parish priest Msgr. Peter Piccirillo: "One reason for delay was represented dall'imprevista long wait for clearance to the calculations of concrete, which was to be issued by the Civil Engineers of Caserta. After this first stop came the extraordinary archaeological find, as he proceeded to the wise estimates required for the construction of new premises for the community on the back of the church, in Cumana. Just discovered the remains of the suburban villa of the Roman period has intervened for the supervision Heritage of Naples and Caserta to fence the site and proceed with the excavation complete. The finding made it necessary to change the draft in order to achieve proper conservation and a future full use of the site. Bishop Peter Piccirillo added: "After this Christmas lived in a minor key, the community has heard about the lack of his church, it is time to rally, not only to its economic contribution but also to hear the urge to return home. " The most important part of the work should be completed for the upcoming Easter celebrations, which then should be held in the new church.


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