Friday, January 21, 2011

Twinhan 7045tuner Driver


Just to be clear, for those who have not already understood: that old pimp with no hair and makeup will not be swept away for a history of bitches. So please stop making flapping red flags in celebration and cheer as if your favorite pornstar there was granted after it is believed to have a brain tumor in the terminal phase (with me it worked).

History is not taught you anything? As long as the Berlusconi government will not be presented before any court, his daughter would rather fuck in the ass rather than be questioned by an audience ministry. On the other hand, those who do not Barbara gets fucked in the ass?

Even if he had the numbers to govern, they would vote, but nonetheless, whatever the elders of the Democratic Party and their political insight (equal that of Maurizio Mosca for the transfer market) will lead us to think, would still be able to win.

Because now you should understand that the average Italian - the uneducated and illiterate no education, compared to Berlusconi himself to a boy of medium not too smart - he slams the fuck these events. Obviously it is not only the fault her: in the light of media brainwashing twenty years, it is now impossible to expect from the helpless mind a jolt of dignity. It would be easier to ask Giuliano Ferrara of dieting or a mentally retarded man to remove the pea dall'aspirapolvere.

Side note. Among the symbolic aspects that should be horrified a society conscious of deprivation facing, there are some really curious. For example, the fact that the whores - and those mouths vulvas ripped a promising career in the fruit and vegetables - could run with bags and shoes from thousands of euro. Far be it from me to judge those bitches delayed because of their painful life choices, but at least would be interesting to know if one of their mental emptiness had never lodged a doubt "lick his dick some dirty old man to buy Louis Vuitton bags will help me to reach nirvana?".


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