Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Connect Pbx To Ip-pbx


S. Maria CV - A real illegal dump can be seen along one of the best stretches of the track Sammaritani path, one that runs from street to street Galatina Italy. Coming from the direction of the cemetery of Santa Maria, near the roundabout where the road bends to the right, you are faced with a sad spectacle: on the opposite side of the road, crossing a country lane, are stacked waste of all kinds. This route is popular with those who are fond of jogging for two main reasons: the breadth of the platform and the fact that relatively little traffic. But those who choose this route to make a healthy pursuit as jogging, halfway through they are forced to pass within inches of a huge illegal spillage of garbage. Among the fields and crops were accumulated large amounts of waste from domestic waste in plastic bags to stores, along with the inevitable tire packages of all kinds, metal containers and lots of glass, which could instead be recycled without effort. What's more, most of the material of this illegal dump in the open air shows signs of the flames, someone set fire to the waste, with the serious risk, as well as to the health of passers-by, also a dangerous pollution fields that extend into the surrounding area. While thanks to the collection, finally running, the city did not fall into the abyss of the waste that is bringing chaos in the neighboring province of Naples, single illegal behavior, however, threaten to undermine the image of Santa Maria. This unseemly spectacle threatens to give the impression of careless citizens to environmental problems and the law, prejudice, however, rooted in the minds of many: it is located a short distance from the exit of the A1, the true gateway to potential tourists who wish to visit and admire the archaeological and cultural history of a city from three thousand years, that very few other places in the world can boast.


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