Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Sing On Dj Hero With Xbox Headset

The degradation of society.

"I'll even give vent to my creative impulses, is not it?". This would be the motivation among the most popular serial killer of prostitutes, but also very serious students who decide to start a blog. So, I ask you: "Why did you decide to devote himself to writing rather than slaughter slave and the Nigerian state? " . I'm basically a lazy person, this is the truth.
The other reason can be found next door, in the manifesto of the blog: Outside the Vase was born from the car on the large text logorrhoea mind of its creator. Mine is a pressing need, a bit 'like the shit mid-afternoon during the Christmas lunch.

Without respect any form of good taste, these pages are designed to deliver the anathemas and the bullshit in perpetual gestation in my mind, whose authorship is attributed mainly to the degradation of modern society. What I mean by degradation contemporary society?

  • Years of therapy had failed to make you remove the trauma of the harassment by the priest during a trip Trentino in the oratory, living a normal life after all up when you have been tagged facebook photos in the memory of that weekend in the mountains.

  • After baked 3 twins at the age of 48 years, that faithless to your husband she dumped you for a 'yoga instructor - Breast plentiful and the ass hard - that could easily be your daughter.

  • 74enne You're a slimy, depraved and andropause advanced, but still yearn to get on my knees hordes of underage willing to fuck you in exchange for a miserable appearances on television.

  • Your future with no prospects at the dawn of 30 years and fresh degree in philosophy with a score infamous takes you to write letters (albeit unpublished) under the heading of Conrad Augias on Republic.

  • At the age of 22 suffer from chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer having spent adolescence in swallowing cum baths seedy clubs in Milan, in exchange for phone cards and cocaine cut badly.

  • After extensive research, have discovered that the son of Vittorio Sgarbi in 1990 and that slut new age of your mother, hoping to turn, opened its legs after the second spritz.

I could continue, but I think you get the idea. If you recognize yourself as a victim in one of these situations, do not keep it all inside. Try to channel the anger and frustration, as genuinely as possible: the heroin entering the tunnel. If belonefobia, alternatively, you can always blame an ethnic minority.

But back to the blog. As you may have guessed, the triviality and lack of deference to political correctness will swarm around here almost As the nymph to a spring break in Tijuana. Free to not accept, but will not be tolerated reprimands on my morality, the gratuitous insults or publication of phone numbers with the promise of satisfying sexual performance without any attached photos.

Outside Vase has set itself the goal of entering the top 10 to your favorite blogs by Pope Ratzinger and gain the support of the Vatican later this year. I'll put the maximum effort, because it is true that Jesus Christ.


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