Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Example For Welcome Letter In Hotel


Macerata Campania (Giuseppe Luongo) - In the wake of turmoil through the new generations of Italy, also born in Macerata C. Young Democrats. It ended last Friday, February 18, in fact, the first national congress of Gd, which saw the election of Gianni Palmiero as Secretary of the youth movement, while the post of chairman will be covered by Francesco Furmia. Attended by Mayor Louis Munn, the provincial secretary of the GD Marco Villano, the Secretary of the PD maceratese Fabio Cyprus and the newly elected Secretary Sammaritano, always GD, Pasquale Stellato. The main objective facing the boys left is to awaken the civic conscience-ethic of their peers and seek to involve Macerata in the revival of a neglected area and martyred. As stated by the new secretary Gianluca Palmieri: "We are living a historic moment and even more politically legitimate our actions. No need to complain only: you must get involved and get their hands dirty to try to change things. " Following the path outlined by F. Cyprus for the Left Youth, the Young Democrats is also to encourage the participation of boys in the political life of the community and information about what happens daily in local and national level, through discussion of issues of vital importance for the future of new generations, as the legal environment.


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