Friday, February 18, 2011

Off Work With Chest Infection


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - I am now in advanced work on the redesign of the intersection of Via and Via Giacinto Bosco Santella, in a market. For some City workers are working day to give a new face at a crossroads that, until recently, was one of the road network Sammaritani that was more dangerous for motorists and bikers to cross. In fact, towards the center, just where Via Santella left-hand bend, the road intersects with street and alley Santella Giacinto Bosco in an asymmetric widening of sight and poor. The difficulty for the movement was increased by the confusing road markings, for almost all, was gone or barely visible. To remedy this state of perpetual danger, the uncertainty about how to deal quest'incrocio, is providing the construction of canals and a new roundabout. The lanes on either side of the rotunda are still provisional and expected to be completed in masonry, have so far been made by mobile signal. Already completed the other hand, the horizontal and vertical signs with new signs and repainting of the signs at ground level. After a long time so it was finally resolved the problem of the movement at this point crossed by a large number of vehicles it is also an area where, in addition to normal road traffic, twice weekly market is held.


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