Monday, March 7, 2011

Alternative To Parrafin In Heaters

1. Architecture and method of participation

"I want to be free, free like a man.
[...] freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation. "

Giorgio Gaber, 1972
Freedom from 'Dialogue between a busy and do not know'

For architecture means that particular discipline that has as purpose, the organization of space in which human beings live. In other words, simplifying we can say that mainly concerns the design and construction of an im-mobile or built environment. The architecture is directly linked not only to the quality of space, while necessarily returning to the same quality of life, the latter argument as out of fashion in recent years.
In the words of Aldo Rossi's architecture is that which is the true fifth from the scene 'representation' of everyday life. This idea is so fascinating to sub-phasizing the influence, often not conscious, that architecture has in the everyday life of every man (for example, is known as urban decay and social deprivation go hand in hand). It is precisely at this point that the two main visions of architecture developed in the last century, and more specifically in the second half of the 900, go away: •
one hand is placed in the foreground the artistic aspect of the matter: If the condo-followers of this philosophy is the greatest achievement of this art in the drawing. The realization of the architectural fact can not maintain the same level of perfection reached through the drawing. •
other side instead emphasizes the functional aspect and social architecture: the guidelines should be created for people, not for com-senders must represent and try to simplify their daily lives.
Unfortunately, even in the context of contemporary Italian-seems to prevail before these two visions: it demonstrates the increasing use of so-called arch-star, especially in cases of emergency, or otherwise the continued imposition by the institutions of background designs that claim to be representative of the population, but that obviously can not.
What prevails today is therefore generally the importance of form, values-fi Gurat and design without consideration of the people. Even in architectural magazines this trend is clear: the images show mostly buildings without people who live there. No idea how people can use them is offered.

One of the first theoretical and applied the idea of \u200b\u200barchitecture designed "for the man who is" , and not as you think it should be the men, is the architectural engineer to Giancarlo De Carlo (Genoa 1919 - Milan 2005), which, in a provocative manner, at a conference in Melbourne in 1973 says "the prospect that, in reality, it seems very interesting is to subtract the architecture to the architects for refund Replace it with people who use ", otherwise the sport will die. The architecture of the future according to De Carlo, who refers to the innovative theories of Anglo-soni time in vogue, is therefore closely anchored to an ever-increasing user participation in the project definition and implementation of the building. Why
and participation is necessary for users to be present throughout the course of the operation, from design to construction work included. In this way the designer is subjected to constant comparison with future re-received, the discussion that led him to adopt innovative models of down-traditionally adopted. Consequently, De Carlo proposes to abandon the tra-ditional process of architectural design consisting of:
1. Defining the problem
2. Elaboration and implementation of design solution
3. Evaluation of results
and adopt instead a new division of the phases of the architectural creation, which considers: •
every moment of the work architecture as part of the project;
• the use of the building as a step to be reckoned with for any reason;
• verifying the success or failure of the work as meeting the needs of users.
De Carlo said then that the method of participation, which also defines co-me only available instrument of acquiring knowledge in the architectural process, "He opposed [...] a detachment, separation, exclusion, but also generalized, theoretical authorization, abstraction. It is synonymous with involvement of people and things, to exhume-tion of the deep layers of knowledge, the reconnection of broken links, or hidden, presence in person in the facts of architecture, lived with heart even before the mind . Participation for De Carlo is the set of processes and operations to be conducted with others, whether future users or just the local people: these operations must first understand the real needs, which at a later time, with the project developed, must be met.


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