Monday, March 7, 2011

Strongest Wood On Earth

I sing the INNO FREE

I will not argue if 250 thousand euro are too many or as few as one for Benigni to be three quarters of an hour on the prestigious stage of the Ariston Festival of Italian music, " Sanremo ", to tell the story of the unification of Italy soaked usual jokes and sing - it's also quite out of tune - the Italian anthem. I believe that one euro or fifty cents are too many to sing the anthem of our country. I sing for free. And the song because I believe and why I'm excited. Someone will say: "Yes, but Benigni Benigni. Also I am Italian as benign, and perhaps more in tune. Someone else will say, "Li has donated Hospital Tizio and Caio. Apart from the fact that the same hospital a few days ago stated that it did not receive any money, and above all not to have had any contact with Benigni or with his staff, he still took the money to sing the anthem of Italy . And this, as good as the Italian says he is, it should be ashamed of. It is no shame because the Italian anthem is priceless. It is not worth either one euro, or € 250 thousand or even one million euro. Worth the sacrifice of so many Italians, that is a long history, is a wealth of culture, traditions and values. Whatever one may say the world's greatest exponents of culture and politics, whatever one may say the radical chic, I think Benigni should be ashamed. Maybe they could sing the anthem along with older children. Would be more in tune, they would collect money and would have got, in my opinion, more emotion. You do not hide those people who think like that. Do not be afraid to express an opinion that belongs to everyone, but nobody wants to say for fear of being branded as the "usual partisan right." Benigni has been paid to sing the Italian anthem. E 'was paid 250 thousand euro. And some € 250 thousand for the engagement. There are families who do not arrive later this month but not the middle of the month. Perhaps it would be better to sing the anthem to them. They who struggle every day to buy food. They, the anthem, they would certainly sang better and certainly with the pride of being Italian.

Marco Michele Marisi


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