Monday, January 31, 2011

Cameltoe Spandex 2010


Flooding in Vasto Marina. You count the damage

WIDE. The heavy rains last week have managed to put 'Ko' an entire city. Sewers who could not contain all the water that came down, blown culverts and drains clogged as ever because never maintained. So the city was brought to its knees by a normal month's rain in a normal winter. Vasto Marina is the area of \u200b\u200bthe city that suffered the most damage. Garages and basements flooded, but also shopping and entertainment. The manhole covers, as always, have not been able to absorb the water that flowed like a river on the roads. A few trees down, but is less than occurred in private homes. "I had 50 cm of water in the basement - FP said a resident of the Navy - have been virtually ruined furniture and furnishings as well as walls and floors. You can not - he continued - that's going to rain all the same thing and we have to pay any damages that do not depend on us. "The conduct of the sewage drain, tell us some data, is insufficient to contain the flow of water that passes when there is rain, considering the fact that Vasto Marina is at sea level. The previous administration led by then Mayor Pietrocola, had a project to double the pipeline and a system of lifting water. Project from € 500 thousand, which would then make the Administration Lapenna. Project, like many others, left in a drawer. Solution? First, greater maintenance of sewers and drains clogged too often is in Vasto Marina Vasto city where the streets as a result of heavy rains, were turned into rivers. In short, a city of 40 thousand inhabitants, these incidents can not happen. We need to invest in infrastructure in a city among other tourist. You can not spend more money for initiatives that lead to nothing and works unnecessary and do not use public money for the work necessary Vasto. "I am twenty years we are talking about doubling the sewers in Vasto Marina - tells an old resident of the coastal zone - but no one does." We hope the next administration. The hope, you know, is always the last to die.

Marco Michele Marisi

(This picture shows a flooded basement)

Difference Between Damask And Jacquard


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - Many hardships and
traffic tilt in most parts of the city because of work for the resettlement of the road. The most critical situation is represented by Via Anfiteatro, the main artery of the neighborhood Sant'Erasmo: just before the intersection with Via Mascagni hurdles to occupy half a yard on the right side of the road, towards the square Milbitz. Because of this restriction, to avoid annoying traffic jams on the movement in the opposite direction, just before the church of St. Erasmus, it was decided to stop vehicles headed to the Amphitheatre with a special report. Nevertheless there are many cars start off on the stroke also prohibited, causing the suspension of all traffic and long lines. The condition becomes critical especially at rush hour, which also coincides with the release of children from nearby elementary school in Via Mascagni, a branch of the second circle of learning via Avezzana. The same situation is repeated, although to a lesser extent in other areas of the city. By way of Mazzocchi, near the junction with Via Tari, another site due to the narrowing of the road and causes discomfort, especially on Sunday, partly because of the stop wild times in the liturgical celebrations of the Cathedral. Another is cordoned off in the final stretch and narrow street Fardella, where the works are under way to rearrange the asphalt particularly damaged.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Healthiest Greek Yoghurt


S. MARIA CV - Yesterday afternoon a huge loss of water has caused many hardships in the way Fardella, with alley near Giglione. The cause was traced to the technical manager of the town, occurred on the site, a failure of a pipe outside a house apparently in a state of neglect. The jet of water at high pressure through the entire track and arrived on the opposite wall at eye level. For more than an hour motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians have been forced to divert their course to avoid getting wet completely. In an attempt to temporarily stop the situation of the city police have taken early action by parking their car in front of the loss, so with the intent to block the flow of water, it is nevertheless higher than the vehicle.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Not Pregnant Cervix 3 Days Before Period


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - The road conditions continue to seriously worry the residents of Via Perlasca, the avenue parallel to the Council of Europe. In less than two hundred meters long, the road was formed three valleys: the failure of the asphalt are occurred at the outlets of the users of old houses and cut perpendicular to the roadway from a sidewalk to another. The gutter thus formed have the same amplitude of the bumps, but, unlike the latter, are not visible and are crossed by vehicles at full speed. The most dangerous side effect is not related to the circulation troubles, but is connected with the stability of the buildings that are located near settlements. The passage of heavy vehicles in particular causes of the continuous micro-sites, which are clearly perceptible in homes starting in the first floors as well as inconvenience to the periodic shaking of walls and furniture is strong concern that the constant vibration may cause damage slowly but surely, the supporting structures of buildings. Via Perlasca, not to be completely resurfaced several months, suffering from rapid deterioration due dell'ingente vehicle traffic, often heavy in and out of the highway, traffic diverted from the floor in an area that was designed to be residential, and therefore not able to cope adequately.

Bike Crash Numbness In Legs


WIDE. Via Ciccarone, a major city arteries, is reduced as a sieve. Witness the photo supplied. Every day these potholes on this road and other streets, put a strain on the shock absorbers for cars and the safety of the person who starts behind the wheel. There would need to put your hands, or rather, the asphalt on a bit 'all the streets in a city where the road looks increasingly like a moonscape.

Marco Michele Marisi

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Genital Herpes Outbreak Third Trimester

that remains ..

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Just to be clear, for those who have not already understood: that old pimp with no hair and makeup will not be swept away for a history of bitches. So please stop making flapping red flags in celebration and cheer as if your favorite pornstar there was granted after it is believed to have a brain tumor in the terminal phase (with me it worked).

History is not taught you anything? As long as the Berlusconi government will not be presented before any court, his daughter would rather fuck in the ass rather than be questioned by an audience ministry. On the other hand, those who do not Barbara gets fucked in the ass?

Even if he had the numbers to govern, they would vote, but nonetheless, whatever the elders of the Democratic Party and their political insight (equal that of Maurizio Mosca for the transfer market) will lead us to think, would still be able to win.

Because now you should understand that the average Italian - the uneducated and illiterate no education, compared to Berlusconi himself to a boy of medium not too smart - he slams the fuck these events. Obviously it is not only the fault her: in the light of media brainwashing twenty years, it is now impossible to expect from the helpless mind a jolt of dignity. It would be easier to ask Giuliano Ferrara of dieting or a mentally retarded man to remove the pea dall'aspirapolvere.

Side note. Among the symbolic aspects that should be horrified a society conscious of deprivation facing, there are some really curious. For example, the fact that the whores - and those mouths vulvas ripped a promising career in the fruit and vegetables - could run with bags and shoes from thousands of euro. Far be it from me to judge those bitches delayed because of their painful life choices, but at least would be interesting to know if one of their mental emptiness had never lodged a doubt "lick his dick some dirty old man to buy Louis Vuitton bags will help me to reach nirvana?".

Friday, January 14, 2011

Swollen Upper Eye Lid

old town that Z ... ...!

WIDE. Old town invaded by mice. It 's the cry of alarm of a number of residents in the heart of the city denouncing the disturbing presence of large rats. "A few nights ago - says a trader - I saw one that was about to enter the store and luck would have it, I had a broom in hand to move it. He walked badly, it was probably too sick, but its dimensions were appalling. "Well, is not only a great business card for the city, but you also know that these animals are major carriers of disease. Urge, of course, a comprehensive rodent control to curb the phenomenon certainly not pleasant.

Marco Michele Marisi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do You Need Shin Guards For Muay Thai


WIDE. Via Madonna Asylum. Intersection with Viale d'Annunzio. Right in the middle of the sidewalk, a few weeks ago, had been placed a bin for recycling. This, they noted some citizens, prevent the passage of wheelchairs for children and wheelchairs for disabled people. To overcome the obstacle, then, needed to take to the streets with great danger of being hit by cars whizzing. But this is just one of many examples of architectural barriers in the city. One need only recall the controversy that we were when they were installed new bus shelters to wait for city buses. These, in fact, they were placed, and so remained, right in the middle of the platform that, in some cases, being close, they were totally occupied by the new structures thus preventing even the passage of pedestrians, prams and wheelchairs to imagine. Perhaps there should be a bit 'more attention to these small details, then so small and so details are not, that marks not only the city, but a very poor culture.

Marco Michele Marisi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Breast Are Tender Meaning For Tender


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - After many difficulties resume work on the expansion and renovation of the premises of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, in Achille Grandi. For several days Work is ongoing, with the developer and the workers engaged tirelessly to try to catch up to date. During the holiday season just passed, the faithful were forced to live from one Christmas many hardships: the solemn celebrations were moved to the parish hall in via Fardella, with considerable difficulties mainly related to space. Initially the delivery of the new church was scheduled for last December 25, but then a series of unexpected events have blocked the work. As recalled by the parish priest Msgr. Peter Piccirillo: "One reason for delay was represented dall'imprevista long wait for clearance to the calculations of concrete, which was to be issued by the Civil Engineers of Caserta. After this first stop came the extraordinary archaeological find, as he proceeded to the wise estimates required for the construction of new premises for the community on the back of the church, in Cumana. Just discovered the remains of the suburban villa of the Roman period has intervened for the supervision Heritage of Naples and Caserta to fence the site and proceed with the excavation complete. The finding made it necessary to change the draft in order to achieve proper conservation and a future full use of the site. Bishop Peter Piccirillo added: "After this Christmas lived in a minor key, the community has heard about the lack of his church, it is time to rally, not only to its economic contribution but also to hear the urge to return home. " The most important part of the work should be completed for the upcoming Easter celebrations, which then should be held in the new church.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

38 Weeks Pregnant Can I Take Ibuprofen


S. Priscus (Joseph Luongo) - end up double shifts institution including "Benedetto Croce" di San Prisco. Then the new year brings good news for pupils, who will no longer be forced to take lessons in rotation in the afternoon. Early last December, in fact, infiltration of rainwater due to the damaged roof, had rendered the place unusable primary school in Via Verdi, and forced children to alternate each week in the afternoon with the greatest in the central office. The disruption continued throughout the month for the entire month until the Christmas holiday break. As of yesterday, Monday, January 10, all pupils of primary and lower secondary education continue to be housed headquarters in Via Dante, but may attend as normal. The solution has been found necessary for obtaining the ten new classrooms for elementary classes adapted and rearranged before and during the holiday season, some clubs already existing in the structure, but previously intended for a different use. In this way were then prevent further disruption, pending the completion of the planned work to make fit for use again the structure of the institution including the "B. Cross ", in via Verdi.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does The 3rd Cancer Jab Hurt


born also the website of 'Youth in Action'

WIDE. E 'which is available at bars, newsagents, pubs, pizzerias and ice cream parlors, and even in these days out of school, the seventeenth edition of' Youth in Action ', 2 thousand copies printed in the magazine, the youth of the center-Vasto. In an opening article by the Director of Writing, Marco Michele Maris, entitled "Youth policies is not only a trip to the country" with a discussion on the role of the Councillor Youth Policies. Then an editorial on the riots in Rome of the protesters against the university reform, and an article on the issue of Consult local youth raised in recent days from 'Youth in Action'. Also in the news, the announcement of the birth of the website of the association,
On the second page an article entitled "Diomedes you think about it, with the reflections of a young Vasto, a piece on the project of the Ministry of Youth Giorgia Meloni, "Right to the future", another reflection of a boy of Vasto and the heading "Lu vocc'apèrt.
"What should be noted - said Marco di Michele Marisi - Is that 'Youth in Action', given the commitment of all the boys and girls who have joined the project and given the positive feedback, also landed on the web. On paper, therefore, joins a space online updated constantly. Editorials, reviews, culture, politics, videos, interviews, cartoons, student services and more are contained in the new website of our newspaper and our membership. An important step - said Michele Maris - after the many certificates of trust and the need, therefore, to be within reach of everyone, everywhere. The editors of the paper, therefore, will also be on the internet and provide food for thought for young people who can Vasto also report service problems, things that do not, or simply comment on articles that will enrich the site weekly. 'Youth in Action', then - said the manager - it is confirmed the only space for youth, the only strong voice of young people who do not want Vasto stand by and watch but want to participate actively in the political and social life to give a Vasto Young contribution, growth and development in our city. "

Youth In Motion - Vasto