Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Does It Mean When Mch Is High

YOUNG Sammaritani

S. MARIA CV - now missing very little to one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of the unification of Italy and the whole country is crossed by the yeast to commemorate this anniversary is so important for Italian history. Despite the controversies that have characterized the red-hot political debate especially within some factions, March 17 national holiday will be accompanied by the closure of schools, businesses, offices and shops to allow everyone to participate in the festivities. The celebrations, which will be held in all major Italian cities that were the protagonists of the process unit, will also serve to awaken national consciousness among young people, often accused of lack of interest in the historical and patriotic. Certainly very active in this respect Gennaro (20 years) who is keen to stress that the experience is about to do: "Wednesday will attend the rolling run to unite" organized by the National Youth Forum, which starts in Teano to reach Rome. The "witness" that step will be an open letter, wrapped in a flag, addressed to the Head of State to request the implementation of reforms to the youth and the country. " There will, however, cultural events and entertainment in the "night tricolor" between 16 and 17, which will attract boys and not just as they planned to do in fact Salvatore (21 years), Miriam (20 years) and Luigi (19 years): "We will definitely to Naples to take part in events across the city until late at night, as the concert in Piazza Dante, who will see on stage, among others, Edward Jackson and Danity Kane. " It instead will push farther, and more specifically in the capital, Maria (20 years) and Maria Luisa (18 years): "In the afternoon of Wednesday, just after the end of the school and university and by the closure of schools, leave the Once in Rome, where we will be guests of our cousin who is studying there. We take the opportunity to visit the city eternal night, including monuments, museums and events . Many young people will remember this anniversary by living each in a different way.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Western Chikan On The Train

Weekend in Fukushima.

I wanted to write a post on the intellectual prostitution, the metabolic disorders that cause obesity, and then talk about Giuliano Ferrara, but the news compels me to turn abruptly to the Pacific.

Obviously it is too early to assess the damage caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami, the final budget it will take months. But already at this time a picture begins to emerge frightening: more than 5,000 deaths (presumably intended to double over the next few days), whole villages razed to the ground, miles of coastline from the ocean swallowed and a probable nuclear cataclysm.

not nice to point out others' flaws, but - at a guess - once again the prayers of Pope Benedict XVI have not served nothing.

Where Ratzy can not come, we think facebook. "And if the only practical solution to help the Japanese people would participate in a virtual event in which transient expression of solidarity?" , wondered the hundreds of thousands of people have joined in I like mass with their . Exudes empathy that click and certainly warm your heart to the poor peasants who lost their families, homeless and without a reason to live.

A major impact in our country, is the resumption of the nuclear debate. What joy to see mouths that can be filled with shit in the light of what is happening in Fukushima, where the risk of meltdown - at 48 hours after the disaster - is anything but removed.

The hypocrisy is cut into slices: the government insists for the resumption of nuclear program, but the regions - led by environmentalist lobby made an unprecedented Formigoni, Cota, and Polverini Zaia - are ready to be passed over by bulldozers, rather than seeing a rise in central Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and Lazio. Why do not we build one in Irpinia?

deserve special mention all those who still nuclearists of my ass, without shame, they insist: "No security risk" . Would be more convincing if you did install quite a reactor directly between the intestine and the rectum, so as to experience the thrill of nuclear fission every time someone send them to hell.

Bulma Doujinshi Online

Earthquake in Japan

today arrived in Lampedusa Borghezio, who said: "It 's a shame that some people should come to Italy ... why not stay in Sicily?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Itunes System As Not Been

quarrel between Iaquinta Chiellini and are passed to the hands. They have done well, given the results with your feet ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

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shocked the Japanese state: "What a tragedy, all the pictures moves! "

The earthquake has disposed of an train. In Italy, however, are years that they wait not knowing where I was ... gone.

Sendai, the epicenter of the earthquake in 2002 was the withdrawal of Italy. A few years before and we saw a team of Trapattoni run.

Zaccheroni , current coach of Japan, said: "We need to find stability."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Get Your Poptropica Person Pregnant

The whale beached in Pisa was killed by measles. Evidently he had done primary school.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Switch Front Camera In Nokia E71

Yesterday was the celebration of Carnival is woman, Platinette celebrated twice.

Kate Katesplayground Clit


Public facilities for the consumption of the usual private. Note

WIDE. There 'square' associations, we play, we eat, pee, and now we are the primaries of PIDD. The PalaBcc, former Sports Hall, now becomes PalaPd. A service of the usual suspects, March 20 will become the primary election polling place for a party. A building to serve the community, used to designate the candidate for mayor of a political party. Was used for the municipal elections, would certainly have a plausible justification. Use the PalaBcc to set up seats for mini internal consultations to a political entity would be to use Paolucci middle school, for example, to a meeting of the party. Perhaps taking advantage of chalk. There is no limit, therefore, to insolence. If the place to go and vote Lapenna and strong, remained that, then the next day, indeed, the same day, all would have any entitlements to use public buildings for their affaracci. So if you want to eat an evening course in De Parma, let's bring the catering hall Mattioli nice fresh fish, if you want to make a good costume party, entered the City Hall Square Barbacani and roam the hallways - maybe find someone who could join, if you want to play football watching the sea, ball in the middle the gardens of Palazzo d'Avalos, if you need flowers for your balcony, take them even from public planters.
Maybe all this, however, is not possible at all. They can only do the usual suspects. Those who run the city. Those who have, for some years now, got their hands on our beautiful Vasto.

Marco Michele Marisi

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wording For Congratulations On Wedding

stray problem is rediscovered PATRIOTIC C1 NORTH

S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - A real pack of stray dogs has stabilized in the C1 district north, creating inconvenience to residents and passers-by. It is in fact about a dozen dogs that are almost always move in groups between Santella street, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, Via Giacinto Bosco Via Eugenio Della Valle, barking and using cars, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. In addition to these annoyances, are also a constant danger for themselves and for the movement of vehicles transiting the area since crossing busy roads and the track very large, often forcing drivers to brake sharply to avoid investing. In fact, as evidenced by Mary Z. (20 years): "Yesterday afternoon, while traveling with my moped along Via G. Bosco, shortly after the intersection with Via Vittorio Emanuele II, some dogs suddenly began to bark and to use, got a good scare and a serious risk of falling and being hit because of the crush that I did. " Inconvenience for local residents because the stray often target garbage bags, displayed in front of houses waiting for the passage of garbage collectors: in fact raid the garbage cans by forcing workers to work extra to clean the streets. Usually the pack of dogs, when not wandering around the city, he finds his refuge in an unused land that stretches between Via L. Sturzo via G. Bosco.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Strongest Wood On Earth

I sing the INNO FREE

I will not argue if 250 thousand euro are too many or as few as one for Benigni to be three quarters of an hour on the prestigious stage of the Ariston Festival of Italian music, " Sanremo ", to tell the story of the unification of Italy soaked usual jokes and sing - it's also quite out of tune - the Italian anthem. I believe that one euro or fifty cents are too many to sing the anthem of our country. I sing for free. And the song because I believe and why I'm excited. Someone will say: "Yes, but Benigni Benigni. Also I am Italian as benign, and perhaps more in tune. Someone else will say, "Li has donated Hospital Tizio and Caio. Apart from the fact that the same hospital a few days ago stated that it did not receive any money, and above all not to have had any contact with Benigni or with his staff, he still took the money to sing the anthem of Italy . And this, as good as the Italian says he is, it should be ashamed of. It is no shame because the Italian anthem is priceless. It is not worth either one euro, or € 250 thousand or even one million euro. Worth the sacrifice of so many Italians, that is a long history, is a wealth of culture, traditions and values. Whatever one may say the world's greatest exponents of culture and politics, whatever one may say the radical chic, I think Benigni should be ashamed. Maybe they could sing the anthem along with older children. Would be more in tune, they would collect money and would have got, in my opinion, more emotion. You do not hide those people who think like that. Do not be afraid to express an opinion that belongs to everyone, but nobody wants to say for fear of being branded as the "usual partisan right." Benigni has been paid to sing the Italian anthem. E 'was paid 250 thousand euro. And some € 250 thousand for the engagement. There are families who do not arrive later this month but not the middle of the month. Perhaps it would be better to sing the anthem to them. They who struggle every day to buy food. They, the anthem, they would certainly sang better and certainly with the pride of being Italian.

Marco Michele Marisi

Alternative To Parrafin In Heaters

1. Architecture and method of participation

"I want to be free, free like a man.
[...] freedom is not free space,
Freedom is participation. "

Giorgio Gaber, 1972
Freedom from 'Dialogue between a busy and do not know'

For architecture means that particular discipline that has as purpose, the organization of space in which human beings live. In other words, simplifying we can say that mainly concerns the design and construction of an im-mobile or built environment. The architecture is directly linked not only to the quality of space, while necessarily returning to the same quality of life, the latter argument as out of fashion in recent years.
In the words of Aldo Rossi's architecture is that which is the true fifth from the scene 'representation' of everyday life. This idea is so fascinating to sub-phasizing the influence, often not conscious, that architecture has in the everyday life of every man (for example, is known as urban decay and social deprivation go hand in hand). It is precisely at this point that the two main visions of architecture developed in the last century, and more specifically in the second half of the 900, go away: •
one hand is placed in the foreground the artistic aspect of the matter: If the condo-followers of this philosophy is the greatest achievement of this art in the drawing. The realization of the architectural fact can not maintain the same level of perfection reached through the drawing. •
other side instead emphasizes the functional aspect and social architecture: the guidelines should be created for people, not for com-senders must represent and try to simplify their daily lives.
Unfortunately, even in the context of contemporary Italian-seems to prevail before these two visions: it demonstrates the increasing use of so-called arch-star, especially in cases of emergency, or otherwise the continued imposition by the institutions of background designs that claim to be representative of the population, but that obviously can not.
What prevails today is therefore generally the importance of form, values-fi Gurat and design without consideration of the people. Even in architectural magazines this trend is clear: the images show mostly buildings without people who live there. No idea how people can use them is offered.

One of the first theoretical and applied the idea of \u200b\u200barchitecture designed "for the man who is" , and not as you think it should be the men, is the architectural engineer to Giancarlo De Carlo (Genoa 1919 - Milan 2005), which, in a provocative manner, at a conference in Melbourne in 1973 says "the prospect that, in reality, it seems very interesting is to subtract the architecture to the architects for refund Replace it with people who use ", otherwise the sport will die. The architecture of the future according to De Carlo, who refers to the innovative theories of Anglo-soni time in vogue, is therefore closely anchored to an ever-increasing user participation in the project definition and implementation of the building. Why
and participation is necessary for users to be present throughout the course of the operation, from design to construction work included. In this way the designer is subjected to constant comparison with future re-received, the discussion that led him to adopt innovative models of down-traditionally adopted. Consequently, De Carlo proposes to abandon the tra-ditional process of architectural design consisting of:
1. Defining the problem
2. Elaboration and implementation of design solution
3. Evaluation of results
and adopt instead a new division of the phases of the architectural creation, which considers: •
every moment of the work architecture as part of the project;
• the use of the building as a step to be reckoned with for any reason;
• verifying the success or failure of the work as meeting the needs of users.
De Carlo said then that the method of participation, which also defines co-me only available instrument of acquiring knowledge in the architectural process, "He opposed [...] a detachment, separation, exclusion, but also generalized, theoretical authorization, abstraction. It is synonymous with involvement of people and things, to exhume-tion of the deep layers of knowledge, the reconnection of broken links, or hidden, presence in person in the facts of architecture, lived with heart even before the mind . Participation for De Carlo is the set of processes and operations to be conducted with others, whether future users or just the local people: these operations must first understand the real needs, which at a later time, with the project developed, must be met.

Eggs In Juice, Coke Experiment

For Berlusconi to face transaction.

Four hours under irons! In the face!

Then he discovered why they were working your ass.

for the occasion were due to release of the operating room Renato Balestra.

For the healing process will be long ... both processes is long accustomed to.

For four hours, have anesthesia total, he wanted to try what it is military in PD.

Milena Velba Gallery, Ho Ho Ho


WIDE. E 'in distribution in bars, newsagents, pubs, pizzerias and ice cream parlors, and in these days even when school, the eighteenth edition of 'Youth in Action', 2 thousand copies printed in the magazine, the youth of the center-Vasto. At the opening of an article entitled "A citadel for young people" with a proposal for creation of a center in which to concentrate all activities for the younger generation: the university, in art workshops, cultural and sports facilities through . A town where, in addition to the growth and formation of youth, then it points to make them stay and creating the necessary structures, thus avoiding the so-called "brain drain". Then an editorial signed by the Director of Staff and Head of the association, Marco Michele Marisi entitled "I sing the anthem for free" with a challenge on the Festival of Italian Music, Sanremo. Also a front page article in the Editorial referred to the center-title "genetically incapable of governing."
the second page, however, a summary of all the eighteen issues of the journal emerged from the birth of the same eighteen numbers of protests, proposals and battles.

Youth In Motion - Vasto

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Write A Witness Letter For My

are so forward that people on Facebook not follow, I look to reach.

© Chesi Cristiano

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Programming Astroflex Car Starter

Carabinieri barracks in the lead woman and rape . It was a dangerous subject, I had to bring inside.

With them was a policeman, but there had not the camera, that only serves at traffic lights entrapping honest citizens.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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WIDE. If the first Via Crowned, a major access roads to our city, was reduced in poor condition because it full of holes, ditches and depressions dangerous, now it's worse. In fact, instead of building a new asphalt surface, the municipal administration has done, as five years or so, to put piece by piece then, between rain and cold, are likely to crumble and spill dangerously to the passage of any means . And so, instead of doing a good job and definitive, continue trying to curb the problems without solving the root. Crowned as the Way, several other streets are in the same condition: Via Del Porto, Via Ciccarone, etc. This is the city is wrong.

Marco Michele Marisi

Temprature Sensor Circuit Diagram

E 'finally released the iPad white, now you can also have a Borghezio .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Make Pocket Fold Envelopes

Steve Jobs unveiled the new iPad, are both more subtle.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can U Join The Army With On Bad Eye


needed cleaning and maintenance

WIDE. Via Saint Lucia, in a particular way in the stretch that leads to the lovely church of St. Nicholas, is in a state of considerable decay. From cleaning, to the conditions of sidewalks, and the balconies of the road. Brambles and other weeds invade the pedestrian, while the same platform and has showy worrying cracks. Then dirt, rusty balconies and the road surface in some places dangerous. Not a pretty sight, especially for a scenic and charming like that. And the clearing just in front of the church? Even in the worst conditions. It should be an immediate need for cleaning and also restyling saw the approaching summer.

Marco Michele Marisi

Monday, February 28, 2011

Connect Steering Concsole Boat

Crisis Libyan

Gaddafi said: "The people are ready for me to die." We believe, with the starvation wages that are found.

Prohibited the sale of tear gas, as if Gaddafi not enough to make them cry!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Overweight Men In Girdles

Del Blacks said: "Tonight Di Vaio had a little 'luck'. Indeed fortunate to play against Juve does not happen every night.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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China, playing in front of the computer for 72 hours and then dies. He had finished lives.

Today Gaddafi continues to bomb his people, and we complain of our politicians who shoot just bullshit!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Macerata Campania (Giuseppe Luongo) - In the wake of turmoil through the new generations of Italy, also born in Macerata C. Young Democrats. It ended last Friday, February 18, in fact, the first national congress of Gd, which saw the election of Gianni Palmiero as Secretary of the youth movement, while the post of chairman will be covered by Francesco Furmia. Attended by Mayor Louis Munn, the provincial secretary of the GD Marco Villano, the Secretary of the PD maceratese Fabio Cyprus and the newly elected Secretary Sammaritano, always GD, Pasquale Stellato. The main objective facing the boys left is to awaken the civic conscience-ethic of their peers and seek to involve Macerata in the revival of a neglected area and martyred. As stated by the new secretary Gianluca Palmieri: "We are living a historic moment and even more politically legitimate our actions. No need to complain only: you must get involved and get their hands dirty to try to change things. " Following the path outlined by F. Cyprus for the Left Youth, the Young Democrats is also to encourage the participation of boys in the political life of the community and information about what happens daily in local and national level, through discussion of issues of vital importance for the future of new generations, as the legal environment.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Parts Of The House With Label


are voting to save our AMPHITHEATER:
In the survey of the Corriere del Mezzogiorno between the decaying monuments to save even our amphitheater.

http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere .it/napoli/notizie/arte_e_cultura/2011/14-febbraio-2011/abbracciamo-cultura-votate-monumento-che-vorreste-salvare-19011337933.shtml

Off Work With Chest Infection


S. MARIA CV (Giuseppe Luongo) - I am now in advanced work on the redesign of the intersection of Via and Via Giacinto Bosco Santella, in a market. For some City workers are working day to give a new face at a crossroads that, until recently, was one of the road network Sammaritani that was more dangerous for motorists and bikers to cross. In fact, towards the center, just where Via Santella left-hand bend, the road intersects with street and alley Santella Giacinto Bosco in an asymmetric widening of sight and poor. The difficulty for the movement was increased by the confusing road markings, for almost all, was gone or barely visible. To remedy this state of perpetual danger, the uncertainty about how to deal quest'incrocio, is providing the construction of canals and a new roundabout. The lanes on either side of the rotunda are still provisional and expected to be completed in masonry, have so far been made by mobile signal. Already completed the other hand, the horizontal and vertical signs with new signs and repainting of the signs at ground level. After a long time so it was finally resolved the problem of the movement at this point crossed by a large number of vehicles it is also an area where, in addition to normal road traffic, twice weekly market is held.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stinky Nylonfeet Smelling

GENETICALLY incapable of governing

After Casalbordino Francavilla and today it happened to Vasto. The failure of the government center-

WIDE. Now is certified: the center does not know and can not administer. If before some members of the Democratic Party had said that Broad could become a stronghold of the left has now been disproved by the facts. After the fall of Administration headed by Mayor Casalbordino Remo Bello (Pd), after that of Francavilla led Nicolino Di Quinctius (Pd), today it happened to Vasto. The Mayor Luciano Lapenna, too Democratic Party of Bersani, has resigned as First citizen. The political fact is now clear: the center in the Province of Chieti - as a bit 'in Italy - is incapable of governing and loses in power games and seats without ever having at heart the interests of the people. Genetically incapable of being at the helm of a ship so demanding as what is a municipal government. They send home alone before the people to do it. A little 'how those dictators who kill themselves when they know they will be surrounded and killed by their people.

Marco Michele Marisi

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Tele (visions).

years follow Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? with the same morbidity in which a pedophile priest follows the Zecchino d'Oro then was visibly moved when I read the big question a million euro. The voltage study was palpable: even the ruffles-retired Gerry Scotti trembled, sweating like a carpenter from the Maghreb. "Umberto And now, for a million euro: what cerebrovascular accident causes an acute disturbance of brain function "-" federalism "-" Too bad, Umberto. The correct answer was stroke. "

No time to recover from that disappointment and garrulous nature of the joke of Alfonso Signorini zompettava already in his body shocking pink d ' order. guests in a sober and elegant lounge Kalispera , Sabrina and Michele Misseri. D urissimo the comparison between the two: "I find it abhorrent that you want to support reduce the tax burden, having increased the additional personal income tax by stealth ", was the accusation against her daughter Michelle. Ready replication Sabrina: "Do you really think of Toni and Matri raise by betting on? Other than the Champions League, Udinese and Palermo, there are not even in Europe League to go! ".

stuff too strong for my taste, so I'm going to Youporn to look towards the election of Cameron, Clegg and Brown waiting for the effect of MDMA begins to wane .

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WIDE. According Extensive conference in memory of the tragedy of the sinkholes and the exodus of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia. This time the conference room of the former school building of course Italy. Presentation of the book "The sound of silence" with the author Ilias Tsilividis and the testimony of Magda Rover exile. "The contribution that each year brings us Magda Rover - said Marco di Michele Maris, Manager of Vasto the Committee on February 10 and moderator of the conference this morning - it is always important and worth more than any other movie or documentary. She is the witness of the horrors perpetrated against the Italians in the Second World War. "Magda Rover urged pupils in schools of Vast present the conference to feel more and more Italians and to be proud of this. "This year which marks the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy - said Michele Maris - more than ever to recall the tragedies like that of Italian foibe to know the history of our boots and raise critical awareness, especially in young people. "

Committee February 10 - Vasto

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February 10: I will not forget

Naples: In the afternoon of 10.02.2011, the Committee on February 10 and the ass. "HMO" marched at the head of 200 people in the streets of downtown Naples to remember the martyrs of the sinkholes. The torchlight procession, starting from Piazza Trieste e Trento has passed through the heart of the city to reach the Piazza of the main post office, where, first deployed to the province illuninata from the flag, remember the 20,000 Italians were killed by Tito's communist partisans and more than 350,000 refugees forced from their homes simply because the Italians.

Yesterday morning in high schools "Charles Miranda" Frattamaggiore and "Salesians Vomero" blocking student has organized a series of lectures to give birth to one of the darkest moments of national history, highlighting how the strategy was to titin slavicized unredeemed eliminating not only the figures involved in the National Fascist Party, but officers and civil servants
part of senior management against Italian communism but also ordinary citizens to language and culture italiana.In memory of this massacre, the State paid tribute to those killed by setting up in 2004, the day of remembrance.